Disk No: 1302 Disk Title: Home Budget Management System PC-SIG Version: S4.2 Program Title: Home Budget Management System Author Version: 4.2 Author Registration: $30.00 Special Requirements: Printer. Financial record-keeping, a desirable and enlightening habit to get into, is usually a dreaded task and a prime target for procrastination. HBMS was created to make it as painless as possible. HBMS is a double-entry ledger system that helps you set up a chart of accounts (such as rent, medical costs, clients, professional services, bank interest, office expenses, etc.) into which you post (record) all your expenses, income, assets and liabilities. At any time, particularly when figuring taxes, you can see your complete financial position, readily viewed on screen or printed in a variety of useful reports. Daily financial transactions can be posted to as many as 254 accounts to generate monthly and yearly reports showing totals broken down by those categories. For instance, how much you spent on auto repair. You pick the codes (of one to four letters) for the various accounts, so it is relatively easy to remember them when posting entries without having to look up numbers, as is required by some ledger systems. HBMS provides a budgeting function, easy editing for incorrect entries, checkbook balancing, and check printing. It can handle 12 separate checking accounts and up to 1140 transactions per month. PC-SIG 1030D East Duane Avenue Sunnyvale Ca. 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.